
Primal Spirit

Uncommon / Elemental

Can be used to craft items or traded to a special vendor in your garrison.

Name Category Market Value Crafting Cost Profit
Name Category Market Value Crafting Cost Profit
2x Starflower
Market Value:
1.44 g
Vendor Buy:
0.98 g

2x Nagrand Arrowbloom
Market Value:
1.49 g
Vendor Buy:
0.98 g

2x Talador Orchid
Market Value:
1.32 g
Vendor Buy:
0.98 g

2x Fireweed
Market Value:
1.44 g
Vendor Buy:
0.98 g

2x Gorgrond Flytrap
Market Value:
1.44 g
Vendor Buy:
0.98 g

Primal Spirit
Market Value:
Not available
Vendor Buy:
Not available

Primal Spirit
Market Value:
Not available
Vendor Buy:
Not available

5x Blackrock Ore
Market Value:
0.56 g
Vendor Buy:
0.14 g

5x True Iron Ore
Market Value:
0.82 g
Vendor Buy:
0.60 g

Primal Spirit
Market Value:
Not available
Vendor Buy:
Not available

Primal Spirit
Market Value:
Not available
Vendor Buy:
Not available

Primal Spirit
Market Value:
Not available
Vendor Buy:
Not available

Primal Spirit
Market Value:
Not available
Vendor Buy:
Not available

5x True Iron Ore
Market Value:
0.82 g
Vendor Buy:
0.60 g

Primal Spirit
Market Value:
Not available
Vendor Buy:
Not available

Primal Spirit
Market Value:
Not available
Vendor Buy:
Not available