
Dream Shard

Rare / Enchanting

Name Category Market Value Crafting Cost Profit
Name Category Market Value Crafting Cost Profit
8x Hypnotic Dust
Market Value:
3.33 g
Vendor Buy:
2.40 g

Dream Shard
Market Value:
1.50 g
Vendor Buy:
7.20 g

9x Bolt of Embersilk Cloth
Market Value:
6.00 g
Vendor Buy:
5.00 g

4x Greater Cosmic Essence
Market Value:
0.68 g
Vendor Buy:
12.00 g

8x Greater Cosmic Essence
Market Value:
0.68 g
Vendor Buy:
12.00 g

5x Dream Shard
Market Value:
1.50 g
Vendor Buy:
7.20 g

4x Eternal Water
Market Value:
28.40 g
Vendor Buy:
2.40 g

3x Light Parchment
Market Value:
0.59 g
Vendor Buy:
Not available

10x Abyss Crystal
Market Value:
1.81 g
Vendor Buy:
12.00 g

Forest Emerald
Market Value:
3.94 g
Vendor Buy:
12.00 g

Titanium Bar
Market Value:
110.00 g
Vendor Buy:
1.68 g

Dream Shard
Market Value:
1.50 g
Vendor Buy:
7.20 g

6x Titanium Bar
Market Value:
110.00 g
Vendor Buy:
1.68 g

2x Handful of Cobalt Bolts
Market Value:
21.98 g
Vendor Buy:
1.12 g

2x Dream Shard
Market Value:
1.50 g
Vendor Buy:
7.20 g