
Alchemist Stone

Epic / Miscellaneous

Can be used for transmutations in place of a Philosopher's Stone.

Name Category Market Value Crafting Cost Profit
5x Primal Might
Market Value:
910.00 g
Vendor Buy:
6.40 g

2x Fel Lotus
Market Value:
3.86 g
Vendor Buy:
3.00 g

Skyfire Diamond
Market Value:
3,294.00 g
Vendor Buy:
12.00 g

Earthstorm Diamond
Market Value:
293.55 g
Vendor Buy:
12.00 g

Philosopher's Stone
Market Value:
Not available
Vendor Buy:
0.10 g

Name Category Market Value Crafting Cost Profit
6x Primal Air
Market Value:
417.73 g
Vendor Buy:
1.60 g

2x Nether Vortex
Market Value:
2.04 g
Vendor Buy:
70.00 g

Alchemist Stone
Market Value:
Not available
Vendor Buy:
10.00 g

Alchemist Stone
Market Value:
Not available
Vendor Buy:
10.00 g

6x Primal Life
Market Value:
48.77 g
Vendor Buy:
1.60 g

2x Nether Vortex
Market Value:
2.04 g
Vendor Buy:
70.00 g

Alchemist Stone
Market Value:
Not available
Vendor Buy:
10.00 g

6x Primal Fire
Market Value:
283.82 g
Vendor Buy:
1.60 g

Alchemist Stone
Market Value:
Not available
Vendor Buy:
10.00 g